Parent and Family Relations

On this page:

Opening Day Welcome Team


The Opportunity involves a group of parents welcoming and interacting with incoming families.


This group of parents greets the incoming families, shares information, gives directions, answers questions, and enjoys lunch with one another. It is also a way to recruit next year volunteers. Shifts are in 2 hour chunks and you can take as many as you want.


For more information or to volunteer, email Erin Aumen at or call Erin at 717-337-8057.

Family Weekend Advisory Council


This Opportunity involves a group of parents offering input about Family Weekend programming to college administrators as they plan this annual event.


The Family Weekend Advisory Council (FWAC) is a group of parents who offer input about Family Weekend programming to college administrators as they plan this annual event. FWAC members provide feedback via email during the Family Weekend planning process and act as greeters and assist in other volunteer roles during Family Weekend.


For more information or to volunteer, email Erin Aumen at or call Erin at 717-337-8057.

Parents Leadership Council


The program involves Gettysburg College’s most committed parents offering career expertise and helping with Admissions initiatives


The Parents Leadership Council (PLC) comprises Gettysburg College’s most committed parents, whose philanthropy sustains and enhances outstanding academic and co-curricular programs while strengthening the College’s reputation.


For more information or to volunteer, email Erin Aumen at or call Erin at 717-337-8057.