All you need to know about Gettysburg names, acronyms, and terminology.
Ascent trips leave five days before First-Year Orientation begins and are a great way to meet your new classmates while rock climbing, kayaking, hiking, volunteering, or spelunking
The Attic is our student-run, on-campus nightclub that hosts concerts, dance parties, formals, and special events.
Located in the CUB; venue for campus-wide events such as Snowball, EI lectures, and concerts, to name a few.
The Bullet Hole is in the College Union Building and has an array of food choices from breakfast foods, to subs, burgers, pizza, salads, soups, sushi, and more.
CAB is the student-run organization that plans social events for the campus community; comprised of five main committees: live music, traditions, movie nights, late night programming, and special events.
The John F. Jaeger Center for Athletics, Recreation & Fitness includes a state-of-the-art fitness center, bouldering area and 30 foot free-standing climbing tower, a multipurpose room for fitness classes as well as a renovated gym, natatorium, and athletic training facilities.
The Center for Career Engagement is the place to get advice about internships, externships, job-shadowing experiences, career immersion trips, resume-writing, graduate school and job hunting.
Want to go to Greece? Australia? Stop by the CGE office to browse and talk to experts about where to start your adventures.
The extended orientation experience at Gettysburg; stretching through the beginning few months of the first-year semester, CYC introduces first-year students to their hall-mates and to all the different aspects of Gettysburg College life. Educational and fun.
A Musselman Library tradition in which a cart with free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate is brought out to the main floor every night at midnight; conducive to all-nighters in the library (since the library is open 24 hours!).
College houses are self-directed and self-governing student housing focused on a particular theme or mutual interest. Students establish clear goals for their group and engage participants in the community through formal and informal gatherings.
The Commons Marketplace is a coffee shop located in the CUB; serves Starbucks beverages as well as a variety of pastries, soups, salads, and snacks. You can also find a selection of personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc.
An online portal for current students which contains every bit of information about your courses, transcript, activities, dining and housing details, and who's who on campus.
CPS is a hallmark program that engages students, community members, faculty and staff to facilitate partnerships, education, critical thinking and informed action. Through these alliances, CPS aims to foster social justice by promoting personal, institutional and community change.
A hub of activity on campus, especially busy from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. during the week when student organizations and outside vendors promote events and/or sell merchandise; home of the bookstore, post office, and the Ballroom.
The Dive is a great place to replenish carbs after a workout. Try a 'Flip Turn' with avocados and turkey; or a 'Power Stroke,' bagel, sprouts and all. Unique salads and delicious smoothies are fresh choices, too!
The Digest is a daily news email sent to members of the Gettysburg community. Reading the digest is a great way to keep updated on all campus announcements and events!
Based in Washington, D.C., and Gettysburg, the Eisenhower Institute is a distinguished center for leadership and public policy that combines top-level dialogue among policy-makers with a premier learning experience for undergraduates.
Live where you learn, learn where you live. The First-Year Seminar course is one you will take with your hall-mates. Choose from an assortment of courses, from cancer in society, to women in the business world, from evil in Victorian literature to homelessness in America. There is something for everyone in these writing-intensive courses.
Members of the Gettysburg College community gather every fall with first-years to walk the half-mile to the National Cemetery to hear the Gettysburg Address, commemorating the same journey taken back in 1863 by college students and community members to hear President Lincoln dedicate the National Cemetery.
Gettysburg College's weekly, student-run newspaper, the Gettysburgian focuses on all aspects of student life and campus events. Students are encouraged to submit editorial pieces or join the staff.
GIV Day is the annual community service day during orientation when students, faculty and staff work at over 45 organizations in the Adams County community.
The GLC offers intellectual and experiential opportunities to students and alumni to develop leadership skills.
GRAB - the name says it all. Interested in kayaking, rock climbing, or backpacking? GRAB offers the opportunity to lead an expedition as a student facilitator, or simply to learn more about navigating the great outdoors. Visit the GRAB office on the ground floor of Plank to sign up for a day or weekend trip!
Cheese fries at 10 pm? Check. Waffles at midnight? You got it. The Lincoln Diner is a 24/7 hot spot frequented by students who need study breaks or coffee with friends.
The Majestic Theater is a beautifully renovated 800-seat performance venue in downtown Gettysburg where Sunderman Conservatory ensembles, such as the Gettysburg College Jazz Ensemble, often perform, along with annual performances by the Peking acrobats and the St. Petersburg Ballet. Two movie houses within the theater offer independent and international films.
The interactive online system for courses; used to post class readings, discussions, announcements and other items.
An online portal where new students will be able to complete their orientation registration, take the online Honor Code tutorial, submit housing preferences, update their contact information, submit their course selection, their academic interests, take Gettysburg's online language placement exam and more.
CPS, GRAB, The Gettysburgian, and WZBT 91.1 FM (the on-campus radio station run by Gettysburg students) can all be found in Plank.
An affectionate nickname for the campus dining hall, Servo has consistently ranked among the top 20 campus dining services in the country. Besides the daily variety of delicious fare, Servo is renowned for its themed dinners-Thanksgiving Dinner, the Halloween Boofest, Under the Sea Dinner, etc.
A chance to break out those prom dresses and suits once again, and boogie down. In midwinter, it’s just what students look forward to in order to brighten up their semester.
A weekend before the last week of classes where students celebrate the end of term with concerts, free food, merriment and play on Stine Lake.
A grassy commons area central to campus (surprise! It’s not really a lake). The area used to flood before the library was built, hence the name, but you're more likely to find students lounging than swimming.
A Gettysburg tradition during which students gather with their friends and head to Servo for a full Thanksgiving dinner extravaganza: unlimited turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie and more. The best part is that your professors serve the meal!
Twilight Hour welcomes first-year students into alumni status upon completion of their first academic semester at the College.
At the heart of the mission of Gettysburg College is the fact that we are a residential campus. If you’re curious about different housing styles after your first year, take a look at the Upperclass Residence Halls.