Bachelor of Music Sophomore Interview

The Sophomore Interview provides an opportunity for student-faculty interaction and assessment at a critical juncture for music performance majors. Each student meets privately with a panel of faculty to assess his or her progress to date and to discuss plans for the future.

This provides the basis for an advising conversation about whether it is in the best interest of the student to continue in the music performance degree. The Sophomore Interview is an important milestone in a music performance major’s career.

Eligibility Requirements

All music performance majors in their fourth semester of residence at Gettysburg College must complete the sophomore interview.

Notification and Scheduling

The Sophomore Interview is held near the end of the spring semester. Formal notification, a self-evaluation sheet, a musical activity record and more detailed instructions will be provided to those eligible.


For the Sophomore Interview, students must submit the following documentation. Students should refer to the Bachelor of Music Sophomore Assessment Pre-Interview Checklist to ensure all requirements have been met prior to the interview.

Students will personally request the relevant faculty members complete the appropriate forms one month prior to the assessment interview.

The Interview

The Interview will begin with a brief presentation by the student regarding his/her progress toward the music performance degree and their plans for continued progress. This presentation should be no more than 5-10 minutes and should outline the material in the student’s self-evaluation.

The remainder of the Interview will consist of constructive dialogue between the student and faculty panel about educational progress and career plans. During the Interview, the faculty panel will consider the student’s self-evaluation sheet and presentation as well as the evaluations and materials outlined above.


After the Sophomore Interview, each student will receive a communication from the Principal Applied Instructor or the Coordinator of each instrumental division summarizing the substance of the Interview and indicating one of the following outcomes:

  1. Recommended continuation as a music performance major in the first semester of the junior year.

  2. Recommended probationary continuation as a music performance major, noting certain deficiencies that must be remedied in a time frame established in the letter. Students will not be recommended to the second semester of the junior year as a performance major until the deficiencies noted are resolved.

  3. Recommended non-continuation as a music performance major. In this case, the student should consult immediately with his or her faculty advisor and the Director of the Sunderman Conservatory to discuss transitioning to the B.A. in Music or another degree program and major.