Purchasing and Payables

Supporting the business cycle of College transactions from procure-to-pay. For questions on these topics contact Purchasing and Payables.

Purchasing Topics

Procurement Authority
Identifies which employees are authorized to acquire goods and services on behalf of the College.
Purchasing & Contracting Framework
Guidance and resources for obtaining goods and services from outside sources.
Sustainable Purchasing Recommendations
Guidance relating to sustainable procurement.
Current Campus Vendors
Information for campus purchasers.
How to Apply for a Pcard
Information on eligibility, request process and requirements of cardholders.
Pcard Usage and Policy
All cardholders are responsible for understanding the parameters of the College’s pcard program and individual pcardholder requirements.

Payables Topics

Expense Policy
These policies and guidelines establish when the College will pay expenses of any employees conducting business on its behalf.

Preferred Methods of Payments for Vendors and Employees

Employees should use the following guidelines when making purchases for college-related business.

Foreign Transactions
Transacting College business in foreign currency requires some additional attention by the employee when submitting expenses.
Vendor Payments
Use the following steps to initiate a request for payment through the Accounts Payable office.
Mileage Reimbursement
The guidelines for requesting reimbursement for the use of your personal vehicle for College business are provided below.
Employees should use the following steps to initiate a request for reimbursement of a College expense.
Sales Tax Exemptions
Gettysburg College, as a nonprofit educational institution, is exempt from sales tax in several states. Refer to the information below for guidelines and locations that sales tax exemption can be used.
Travel Advance
A cash advance is available to employees to facilitate College business travel. Accounts Payable will issue a check upon receipt and approval of the appropriate request.

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Purchasing Forms

Payables Forms

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